(April 2024)
And then came the big day. After visiting them in their homeland, it was time to welcome them in ours. We went to the airport to welcome the 28 students and 3 Tyrolean teachers and we came to Laudio where the families who were going to host them for the whole week were waiting for us.
When they arrived in Laudio the students went to class and we showed our school to the visiting teachers, the different classes, the Erasmus Corner.... When the class hours were over, the students went to their families and the teachers stayed for lunch in Laudio and then they all had the afternoon free to get to know the area and prepare for a week full of activities.
Eta orduan iritsi zen egun handia. Sorterrian bisitatu ondoren, gurean ongietorria egiteko ordua zen. Aireportura joan ginen 28 ikasle eta 3 irakasle tiroldarrei harrera egitera, eta Laudiora etorri ginen, aste osoan hartuko zituzten familiak zain geneuzkan lekura.
Laudiora iritsi zirenean ikasleak klasera joan ziren eta gure eskola erakutsi genien irakasle bisitariei, klase desberdinak, Erasmus Txokoa... Klaseko orduak amaitu zirenean, ikasleak familiengana joan ziren, eta irakasleak Laudion geratu ziren bazkaltzen, eta gero arratsaldea libre izan zuten denek ingurua ezagutzeko eta jardueraz betetako astebeterako prestatzeko.
Wednesday began with a welcoming ceremony in which the visitors were greeted by the management team with an aurresku and a welcoming ceremony in the gymnasium. There the headmaster said a few words to them and then we organised some presentations and board games at the library with the help of the teachers and students of our school.
After the break we went to the town hall where we were welcomed by the mayoress. After a few words from her, Sergio Escribano, archaeologist in charge of investigating part of the heritage of our town, gave a presentation on the history of our region and our town.
We came back to school and the students went home for lunch.
In the afternoon, we organized a workshop to work on our final product: the multilingual dictionary. The students were divided into groups to decide which words to add to the dictionary, then they translated the words and expressions into their language (German, Italian, Spanish and Basque) and finally they recorded the words so that people know how the words are pronounced.
We all went home to spend the evening with the families.
Asteazkenari hasiera emateko, ongietorri ekitaldia egin zuten, eta zuzendaritza taldeak "Aurreskua" eta gimnasioan ongietorria egin zizkien bisitariei. Zuzendariak hitz batzuk esan zizkien eta gero liburutegian aurkezpenak eta mahai-jokoak antolatu genituen gure eskolako irakasle eta ikasleen laguntzarekin.
Atsedenaldiaren ondoren, udaletxera joan ginen, eta han harrera egin ziguten. Alkatearen hitz batzuen ondoren, Sergio Escribanok, gure herriko ondarearen zati bat ikertzeaz arduratzen den arkeologoak, gure eskualdearen eta hiriaren historiari buruzko aurkezpena egin zuen.
Eskolara itzuli ginen eta ikasleak etxera joan ziren bazkaltzera.
Arratsaldean, tailer bat antolatu genuen gure azken produktua lantzeko: hiztegi eleaniztuna. Ikasleak taldetan banatu ziren hiztegiari zein hitz gehitu erabakitzeko, gero hitzak eta esamoldeak beren hizkuntzara itzuli zituzten (alemana, italiera, gaztelania eta euskara) eta, azkenik, hitzak grabatu zituzten, jendeak hitzak nola ahoskatzen diren jakin dezan.
Denok joan ginen etxera familiekin gaupasa egitera.
We started the day by meeting at Laudio station to go to Bilbao. We arrived in Bilbao in time to take a walk to the Alhondiga and arrive at the Guggenheim museum and walk around it for a little over an hour while outside the museum the banks of the river Nerbioi were full of people waiting for the big event that would happen in the afternoon: the descent of the barge or “Gabarra” with the Athletic Club players and the recently won King's Cup. It was an amazing experience for all of our students and also the Tyroleans, an event our students had heard of but had never seen before. The experience was an impressive one, something you don't see every day and something that will remain in the memories of those who visited us and of our own students.
Eguna hasteko, Laudioko geltokian elkartu ginen Bilbora joateko. Alhondigara joateko garaiz iritsi ginen Bilbora, Guggenheim museora iritsi eta handik ordu bete pasatxo pasatzera, museoaren kanpoaldean Nerbioi ibaiaren ertzak jendez gainezka zeuden bitartean, arratsaldean gertatuko zen gertaera handiaren zain: "Gabarraren" jaitsiera Athletic Clubeko jokalariekin eta Errege Kopa irabazi berria. Esperientzia harrigarria izan zen gure ikasle guztientzat eta baita Tyrolearrentzat ere, gure ikasleek inoiz ikusi ez zuten gertaera. Esperientzia ikaragarria izan zen, egunero ikusten ez den zerbait eta gu bisitatu gintuztenen eta gure ikasleen oroitzapenetan geratuko den zerbait.
We met at the school at 8:30 and started to play some games and go on guided tours around Laudio guided by our older students. The activity was done in groups and while one group visited the town center another group visited a specific and special area of Laudio so that all the pupils had the opportunity to learn more about Laudio, things told by local pupils of their own age.
The guided tours finished and we went to the ‘Faktoria’, a place where the Basque language takes on a special and unique importance. There they explained to us what they do, how they do it and for what purpose. It was a very interesting visit for everyone as it is a really unique place.
After watching the ‘Faktoria’ we went back to the school where we did different activities with the help of the school teachers. They did handicrafts on the one hand, Basque sports on the other .... until lunchtime. Then, the students went back home to their host families for a rest and also to get ready for the farewell party at the casino.
With the help of some of our students and host families, we organized a party in the casino with food, music, speeches and lots of dancing. We handed out the certificates that show that the students have done a week of activities with objectives related to our project. In this week they have acquired necessary and important competencies for our students as human beings belonging to different countries but with many things in common and the European spirit that they all share.
Eskolan elkartu ginen 8:30ean eta jolas batzuk egiten hasi ginen eta Laudion zehar bisita gidatuak egiten hasi ginen gure ikasle nagusiek gidatuta. Jarduera taldeka egin zen, eta talde batek hirigunea bisitatzen zuen bitartean, beste talde batek Laudioko gune zehatz eta berezi bat bisitatu zuen, ikasle guztiek Laudio hobeto ezagutzeko aukera izan zezaten, beren adineko bertako ikasleek kontatutako gauzak.
Bisita gidatuak amaitu eta "Faktoria" ra joan ginen, euskarak garrantzi berezia eta bakarra hartzen duen lekura. Han azaldu ziguten zer egiten duten, nola eta zertarako. Oso bisita interesgarria izan zen guztiontzat, benetan leku paregabea baita.
"Faktoria" ikusi ondoren, eskolara itzuli ginen, eta han hainbat jarduera egin genituen eskolako irakasleen laguntzarekin. Eskulanak egiten zituzten batetik, euskal kirolak bestetik... bazkalordura arte. Gero, ikasleak harrera-familiekin itzuli ziren atseden hartzera eta baita kasinoko agur-festarako prestatzera ere.
Ikasle eta harrera-familia batzuen laguntzarekin, festa bat antolatu genuen kasinoan, janaria, musika, hitzaldiak eta dantza ugarirekin. Ikasleek astebeteko jarduerak egin dituztela erakusten duten ziurtagiriak banatu genituen, gure proiektuarekin lotutako helburuekin. Aste honetan gure ikasleentzat beharrezkoak eta garrantzitsuak diren gaitasunak lortu dituzte, herrialde desberdinetako gizaki gisa, baina gauza komun askorekin eta denek partekatzen duten espiritu europarrarekin.
Even though it was Saturday, we met in Laudio to take a bus to go to Donostia. We were joined by students and families who wanted to share this day with the group that was visiting us, so at 9 am we left for Donostia.
We arrived there and we walked up mount Urgull and had an amazing view of the bay, of the Donostia beaches. We were really lucky with the weather and our students could enjoy some free time at the beach. They had a couple of free hours to go for a swim, sunbathe and talk to their new friends.
After lunch we went for a walk around the old part of Donostia and the students and teachers had the chance to buy something for their families and friends back at home.
At around 6 pm we took the bus to come back to Laudio and the students could spend and enjoy the last evenings with their host family and friends.
Larunbata izan arren, Laudion elkartu ginen Donostiara joateko autobusa hartzeko. Ikasle eta familiak batu zitzaizkigun, egun hau gurekin partekatu nahi zutenak. Goizeko 9etan Donostiara abiatu ginen.
Hara iritsi, Urgull mendira igo, eta badia eta Donostiako hondartzak ikusi genituen. Zorte handia izan genuen eguraldiarekin, eta gure ikasleek denbora librea izan zezaketen hondartzan. Ordu pare bat libre zeukaten igeri egitera joateko, eguzkia hartzeko eta lagun berriekin hitz egiteko.
Bazkalostean Donostiako alde zaharretik buelta bat ematera joan ginen, eta ikasle eta irakasleek beren familia eta lagunentzat zerbait erosteko aukera izan zuten.
Arratsaldeko seiak aldera autobusa hartu genuen Laudiora itzultzeko, eta ikasleek beren senide eta lagun anfitrioiekin pasa eta goza zitzaketen azken gauak.
The day to leave came and the Tyrolean team left to their homeland at 12:15 pm. Having them here was a wonderful experience.
Joateko eguna iritsi zen eta tiroldar taldea 12:15ean joan zen sorterrira. Hemen edukitzea esperientzia zoragarria izan zen.