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(April 2024)

And then came the big day. After visiting them in their homeland, it was time to welcome them in ours. We went to the airport to welcome the 28 students and 3 Tyrolean teachers and we came to Laudio where the families who were going to host them for the whole week were waiting for us.

When they arrived in Laudio the students went to class and we showed our school to the visiting teachers, the different classes, the Erasmus Corner.... When the class hours were over, the students went to their families and the teachers stayed for lunch in Laudio and then they all had the afternoon free to get to know the area and prepare for a week full of activities.​​​


Eta orduan iritsi zen egun handia. Sorterrian bisitatu ondoren, gurean ongietorria egiteko ordua zen. Aireportura joan ginen 28 ikasle eta 3 irakasle tiroldarrei harrera egitera, eta Laudiora etorri ginen, aste osoan hartuko zituzten familiak zain geneuzkan lekura.
Laudiora iritsi zirenean ikasleak klasera joan ziren eta gure eskola erakutsi genien irakasle bisitariei, klase desberdinak, Erasmus Txokoa... Klaseko orduak amaitu zirenean, ikasleak familiengana joan ziren, eta irakasleak Laudion geratu ziren bazkaltzen, eta gero arratsaldea libre izan zuten denek ingurua ezagutzeko eta jardueraz betetako astebeterako prestatzeko.


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