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(March 2024)

Today we begin our next adventure. This time we came to Schlanders. We had a 10-hour trip. The first flight was from Loiu to Frankfurt and the second one, from Frankfurt to Milan. After the heavy fog, the rain, and the turbulence that moved the plane up and down, we arrived in Milan. There, a bus driver named Heiko waited for us and we set off for four and a half hours.


During the journey we had time to relax, laugh, sleep and some heavy rain. All of a sudden, the two teachers sitting at the front noticed the noise and the rise of laughter without knowing the reason. A few minutes later, and after hearing some things that we can't talk about, we realised that the joy and nervousness of meeting families was the reason. We were already 25 minutes from town. After joking with the students, calm  returned, and soon after we arrived at Schlanders.


All the families were  waiting for us, with welcoming smiley faces, and after a few minutes of first contact, they went home cheerfully and happily with the families.


It's been five hours since we arrived, and we haven't received any messages from our students, just from one of them, asking if he should carry his backpack tomorrow. This means this first day the adventure has started well.


Gaur gure hurrengo abentura hasi dugu. Oraingoan Schlandersera etorri gara. Hona etortzeko 10 ordutako bidaiez jositako abentura izan dugu. Lehen hegaldia Loiutik Frankfurtera izan da eta bigarrena Frankfurtetik Milanera. Behelaino handia, euria eta hegazkina gora-behera mugitzen zituzten turbulentzien ostean Milanera heldu gara. Bertan, Heiko izeneko autobus gidari bat gure zain egon da eta lau ordu eta erdiko bideari ekin diogu.


Bidaian zehar, lasaitasuna, barreak, loak eta batez ere euri zaparrada etengabeak izan ditugu. Bapatean, aurrean gindoazen bi irakasleak, atzean zarata eta algara gorantza zihola antzeman dugu arrazoia jakin gabe. Baina handik minutu gutxitara eta hemen aipatu ezin ez ditugun zenbait gauza entzun eta gero, arazoa familiak ezagutzeko poz eta urduritasuna arrazoia zirela konturatu gara. Izan ere, herritik 25 minutura geunden. Ikasleekin brometan aritu eta gero, lasaitasuna bueltatu da eta handik oso gutxira Schlandersera heldu gara.


Familia guztiak gure zain egon dira, guztiak irribarretsu eta lehenengo kontaktuaren minutu batzuen ostean, alai eta pozik joan dira familiekin etxera. 


Bost ordu pasa dira, heldu garenetik eta gure ikasleen partetik ez dugu mezurik jaso, ikasle batena soilik, bihar motxila eraman behar duen galdetuz. Honek lehen egun honetak abentura ondo hasi dela esan nahi du.

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