P6 - Song of the project
In this activity our students have taken as a basis a traditional Basque song, well known and sung in popular festivities and have created a new lyric dedicated to the Basque language, to the youth and to the Erasmus project.
We have taken as an instrumental base a version of the group Oskorri, a reference in the Basque musical culture for its fusion of traditional music and pop and for the promotion of music in Basque in a very delicate time for our language.
WePBL abestia
“Euskal Herritik Europara”
Hizkuntzen askatasuna
gure desioa da
guztien elkartasuna
bagoaz lortzera
Gutxitua baina indartsua
Euskara da gure hizkuntza
Gu euskaldunak gara
Euskal herrikoak (osoa BIS)
Euskal gazteak izanda
Sustraien lurra gara
Zaindu gure altxorra
ta bizi euskaraz
Gazte_ederrak ta gogoz beteak
lagunekin lortu ametsak
Gu euskaldunak gara
Euskal herrikoak (osoa BIS)
Europan zehar mugitzen
lagun onak egiten
Erasmus proiektua
zoragarria da
Desberdinak baina_elkar lotuak
Euskal Herritik Europara
Gu euskaldunak gara
Euskal herrikoak (osoa BIS eta azken biak berriro)
WePBL song
"From Euskal Herria to Europe"
Freedom of languages
It's our wish.
Solidarity of all.
Let's get it.
Minority but strong
Euskera is our language
We are Basques
from Basque Country (all BIS)
Being young Basques
We are the land of roots
Take care of our treasure
and live in Basque
Young and beautiful and eager
Achieve dreams with friends
We are Basques
from Basque Country (all BIS)
Moving across Europe
making good friends
Erasmus project
It's wonderful.
Different but united
From the Basque Country to Europe
We are Basques
from Basque Country
(all BIS and the last two again)
Entzun / Listen
Base instrumentala: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6re2OppTqE
“Ikusi mendizaleak” (Herrikoia)
Moldaketa: Oskorri, The Pub Ibiltaria (Elkar 1997)